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Achieving Dreams

Education empowers students to achieve their dreams. A successful education starts with the right tools—tools that allow students to learn practical knowledge, master real-world skills, and prove technical competency. Our training products are the only solution that provide all three elements of successful learning.

Certification Benefits 

Build real confidence

TestOut Pro certifications measure your ability to perform real-world IT tasks. By using our innovative simulation technology, you can prove that you really know how to do your job. Passing our exams boosts your confidence to enter the workforce with the skills you need to get the job done.

Get a job

Getting a job is not easy because there is always competition. Having the right certification can strengthen your resume and differentiate you from other candidates. You might even receive better pay because you have proven your skills and your willingness to go the extra mile through certification.

Advance your career

Certification is a great way to show your employer that you’re willing to learn new skills. You’ve shown that you’re ready for new responsibilities. In this way, certification helps you get a promotion or advance your career. Also, when things are rough for your company, you might keep your job because you have proven your value through certification.

Enlarge professional network

Gaining a TestOut Pro certification means joining our TestOut IT Pro family. Currently, there are more than 45,000 TestOut Pro professionals in 35 different countries. This network can be valuable as you seek new opportunities, need help solving a challenging problem, and make connections by helping others.


The Skills Guarantee

"We are so confident in these Pro Certified individuals and the training they have received, that we will back them up with a $1,000 Skills Guarantee. If any employer finds, after hiring and putting them to work for at least 3 weeks, that they do not possess the IT skills that we have certified under the applicable Pro Certification, then we will pay that company up to $1,000." 

-TestOut Corporation 

TestOut Courses 

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TESTout It Fundamentals PRO

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TestOut Pc Pro

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TESTout Network pro

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Testout Security pro

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